Pella Christian’s homecoming week is an exciting school tradition that allows students, parents, alumni and supporters to connect in a special way as we continue to build on our foundation of Christ-centered education and a life of service in His Kingdom.

Join us for the following activities:

Dress Up Themes:

  • Tuesday, January 21 – Come as you are/Pajama Day
  • Wednesday, January 22 – Rhyme without Reason/Wacky Wednesday (Mix & Match)
  • Thursday, January 23 – High School is Western/USA Day and Middle School is Western
  • Friday, January 24 – Eagle Pride: Maroon & White

Friday Afternoon Activities:

After a morning of service, PCHS students will return for 12:00pm chapel in the PCHS Vermeer Auditorium followed by competitions in the gymnasium that will conclude with the presentation of the homecoming court. The public is invited to the afternoon activities or to watch on our YouTube channel.

Homecoming Basketball Games:

The boys and girls basketball teams will be hosting Oskaloosa for homecoming on Thursday and Friday, January 23 and 24. Please note – game admission does not cover multiple nights.

  • Thursday, January 23 – Freshman Boys at 6:00pm and JV Boys at 7:15pm
  • Friday, January 24 – JV Girls at 4:30pm, Varsity Girls at 6:00pm and Varsity Boys at 7:30pm
  • Girls Varsity Halftime – Drill Team and 2nd Place Lip Sync will perform
  • Between Games – Presentation of the 2025 Homecoming Court
  • Boys Varsity Halftime – Cheer Routine and Winning Lip Sync will perform

Go Eagles!

Four Corners:

As beauty creators, high schoolers display school spirit by creating a corner display based on this year’s theme of board games. Check out the creativity of our students during Friday afternoon activities and evening basketball games!

  • Seniors – Candyland
  • Juniors – Chutes & Ladders
  • Sophomores – Life
  • Freshman – Mousetrap

Homecoming Court:

Addison Bandstra

Parents: Mike and Jill Bandstra

Next fall I plan to attend Iowa State University and major in Event Management. Pella Christian has taught me many important skills and given me many great friends and mentors. Throughout my time at PC I have played volleyball, softball, basketball and track. Through these sports I have learned the importance of confidence, teamwork, and perseverance. Attending Pella Christian has better prepared me for the next steps of my life, especially through the winterim program. This year during Winterim I interned at Pella Corp and learned all about what being an event manager entails. The many amazing teachers here have also taught me the value of responsibility and have challenged me academically to be the best that I can be.  Above all I am thankful for the way that PC has helped me center my life around Christ and gain confidence in my faith as I leave high school. I am thankful for the opportunities PC has given me and the life God has blessed me with. I am excited to watch His plans unfold.

Esther Ford

Parents: Craig and Scarlett Ford

This fall I plan to attend Northwestern College, majoring in Business Management, studying Spanish and Accounting, and playing soccer. Throughout high school I’ve enjoyed volleyball, soccer, cheer, track, and winter speech. Pella Christian has brought me abundant joy through amazing opportunities while growing in my faith. In addition to a great Christian education, Pella Christian holds some of my favorite memories from Christmas Banquets, sporting events, JSB, Chaos Day, and lip syncs. I’ve made my closest friends here at Pella Christian and I’m thankful for my class, teachers, and coaches that have helped me grow these past four years. I can’t wait to see what God has planned for me next.

Faith Kacmarynski

Parents: Rich and Mindi Kacmarynski

Next fall I plan to attend Northwestern College in Orange City to study sports management and play softball. Pella Christian has helped establish a foundation in my life by helping me know my beliefs, and rooting them in God’s word and the identity he gave me. Through integrating my faith into my academics and athletics, I’ve learned to persevere, work hard, and find purpose in doing what God has called me to do. I’ve been involved in volleyball, basketball, track and field, and softball. These extracurricular activities have allowed me to make friendships, build leadership skills, and enjoy competition. Through the ups and downs of athletics, I am grateful for my support system who has kept pointing me to Jesus and his bigger purpose. I am truly grateful for everyone who has helped me along the way and for the Pella Christian community.

Erika Van Maanen

Parents: Kevin & Melanie Van Maanen

This fall I plan on attending Dordt University to major in Elementary Education. Throughout my time at Pella Christian I have been involved in softball, tennis, concert choir, and chamber choir. I have grown so much throughout my high school career thanks to my teachers who invested their time into giving me not only an amazing academic education, but also for challenging me spiritually. Their commitment to me has prepared me as I continue my education beyond Pella Christian. The classes that I took and the opportunity to do an internship during Winterim has taught me hard work, perseverance, patience, and responsibility. These qualities will be beneficial as I pursue my future career as an elementary school teacher and for whatever else God has planned for me. I am thankful to have a Christ-centered education and for all the life-lessons that I have learned from attending PC. I am grateful for Pella Christian’s role in my life and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for my future.

Madeline Vanden Bosch

Parents: Frank and Mindi Vanden Bosch

In the fall I plan to attend Northwestern in Orange City where I’m planning to double major in Social Work and Spanish. Throughout my high school career I have been involved in basketball, volleyball, and choir. These opportunities have given me many amazing friends and memories that will last a lifetime. Through Winterim the past 2 years I have been able to grow my passion for people and their stories. Finding my love for social work and finding solutions to better help others. Pella Christian has given me the opportunity to grow my relationship with God and provide me with a structured environment to learn and grow both academically and spiritually.  I’m excited to see where the Lord takes me in the next steps of life and the amazing opportunities that will come along the way. Thank you Pella Christian staff and students for making these past 4 years ones to remember.

Nathan Brouwer

Parents: Gerrit and Michelle Brouwer

After graduation I plan to attend the University of Northwestern-St. Paul or Dordt University, where I will play soccer and study Biology. At Pella Christian, my teachers, coaches, and classmates have pushed me to do my best in my classes and sports. Pella Christian has helped me grow as an individual through athletics, the classroom, and my relationship with God. Through playing soccer I have made great friendships and memories that I will cherish forever. I am extremely grateful to all the teachers, coaches, cooks, janitors, and all other staff here at Pella Christian for encouraging me through every step of high school. God has blessed me with many amazing opportunities during high school and I am confident in the future He has for me.

Landon Fransman

Parents: Mike and Tara Fransman

After high school I plan to attend Dordt University to major in business finance or accounting. I also plan to high jump at Dordt. The teachers and staff at Pella Christian have been so good to me these past four years and pushed me every day in my learning and preparation for college. I am grateful for the relationships I made with friends, teachers, and staff. Everyone at Pella Christian always wanted what was best for me. I have been involved in basketball, golf, football, and track throughout high school. I have had some of the best coaches who have shaped me into who I am today, not just as an athlete, but as a person. I am truly going to miss all the memories I have had at Pella Christian and all the teams I have been a part of. I thank God for putting such a great school and people in my life these high school years.

Grant Kelderman

Parents: Curt and Carrie Kelderman

After graduation I plan to attend Northwestern College in Orange City. There I plan to study Physical Therapy and play baseball. Throughout high school I have participated in many activities, but some highlights are baseball, football, choir, homecoming, and the winterim trip to the Bahamas. Every day at Pella Christian is an opportunity to be a leader and explore the work of the Lord. The past four years of my life have molded and shaped my worldview and I am thankful for every experience. The closer I get to the end of high school, the more I wish I could stay with the people who created the journey for me, but I know the future is just a new way I can experience God’s glory. I am excited to see what God has in store for the rest of my life.

Camden Parker

Parents: Morgan and Jill Parker

After graduation I plan to study physical therapy, get my Doctorate of Physical Therapy, and play soccer. At Pella Christian, I have played soccer and football all four years. While participating in athletics, my coaches have mentored me and taught me how to have determination and good sportsmanship as well as grow closer to God. The people I have met and the experiences I have gone through at Pella Christian have helped me to grow in every aspect of my life. I will always be grateful for the relationships and memories I made with my classmates, teammates, coaches, and faculty.

Cooper Spronk

Parents: Scott and Elise Spronk

This fall I plan to attend Dordt University where I will major in biology and play football. During my four years of high school I have played football, basketball, and golf. Participating in these activities at PCHS has allowed my faith to grow tremendously and taught me countless lessons. I have made memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. My time at PCHS has also built a strong foundation on Christ that I will carry throughout life. I am forever grateful for all those who have shown me what it looks like to follow Jesus.