Pella Christian High School will conclude their successful theatre season this spring with the hilarious ‘farce-meets-murder’ mystery comedy. Clue: On Stage. Each of the dinner guests has an alias, the butler offers a variety of weapons, and the host is, well…dead. So whodunnit? Join the iconic oddballs known as Scarlet, Plum, White, Green, Peacock, and Mustard in a slapstick evening full of murder, mystery, and laughs as they seek to puzzle out the culprit. Based on the 1985 Paramount movie and inspired by the classic Hasbro board game, Clue: On Stage is the ultimate whodunnit that will keep you guessing until the final twist. Under the direction of Marlo Van Peursem, Clue: On Stage will be presented March 24 and 25, with reserved tickets available for purchase on-line beginning March 6 at our box office:
Friday and Saturday, March 24 and 25 at 7:00pm
Pella Christian High School’s Vermeer Auditorium
300 Eagle Lane, Pella