When and who envisioned a Christian grade school in Pella is unknown. The first recorded mention of the idea dates from 1903. Not until 1911, however, did the idea really take flight when 37 members joined to form the Association for Christian Education of Pella, which formally incorporated in February 1912. Construction got underway on a one-story, two-room schoolhouse that opened its doors to 26 students on January 6, 1913.
As secondary schools became the norm, area Christian schools and churches formed a society and started a regional 9-12 Christian high school in Pella in 1939 to serve graduates of all the area K-8 Christian schools.
As the two schools in Pella grew and their operations grew closer together, the two schools’ Societies voted to merge in 2024 and operate as a single district with two campuses under one school board.
Through prosperity and poverty, discord and amity, optimism and doubt, the leaders, educators and parents of the school have been united together by their mission to provide a truly Christian education for the Lord’s children. A look back at the schools’ history show that it has been amply blessed and rewarded for this faith – with growth in enrollment, with expansion in academic excellence and facilities, and with national recognition as an exemplary place for students to learn and grow.
As past generations have done, future generations will continue to educate each child in the light of His word, and continue to celebrate the story of God’s faithfulness to Pella Christian Grade School and Pella Christian High School.
Pella Christian Schools are governed by the Society, which consists of tuition-paying parents and financial supporters of the schools. Board members are selected by a Nominations Committee and affirmed by the Society at the annual meeting. Trustees are selected for their personal commitment and individual, God-given gifts to serve Pella Christian as well as the school’s immediate and future needs. The Boards promotes the school’s mission, appoints and oversees the Head of Schools, establishes broad policies, plans strategically for the future, and stewards financial and capital resources. The board meets monthly to receive reports from the Head of School, vote on mission directed issues, and receive input from the Society.
Board of Trustees
2024-2025 School Year
Mark Van Wyngarden, President of Board (2025)
Brad Meinders, Vice President of Board and serves on Education Committee (2025)
Doug Uitermarkt, Treasurer of Board and serves on Finance Committee (2025)
Jodi De Vries, Secretary of Board and serves on Development Committee (2026)
Jenna Huitink, Vicar of Board and serves on Education Committee (2026)
Kent Breems, serves on Education Committee (2025)
Craig Roose, serves on GS Building and Grounds Committee (2026)
Nicole Vos, serves on Development Committee (2026)
Cassia Boender, serves on Education Committee (2027)
Mike Fransman, serves on Finance Committee (2027)
Zach Vander Linden, serves on HS Building and Grounds Committee (2027)
To Contact Board or PC Leadership
To ensure questions from the Society are addressed as efficiently and effectively as possible, please use the following as a general guideline. If your questions are about daily operations of the school, please direct them to the appropriate member of the Administrative Leadership Team. If your questions pertain to the strategic direction of the school or mission directed governance, please address them to Dan Zylstra, PC Head of Schools, to discuss with the appropriate schools’ board.
PC Nominations Committee
The PC Nominations Committee seeks out, vets and equips members to service on the PC Board of Trustees. If you are interested in serving on as a Trustee or desire to learn more about the PC Nominations Committee and process, please refer to PC Board Nominations Process brochure.