“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

It is in our service that all will see God’s grace in action as we demonstrate our faith. Service is the embodiment of Christian love toward others.

PC Family Services Hours are a way to partner with your child’s school, build community with other parents and also help our school reduce costs. All K-12 families are asked to serve 10 hours each year. Hours can be worked for the school year beginning July 1 through June 30.

For families with a high school student, hours must be fulfilled by serving in our concession stands or Board/Committee work. This includes serving with PCHS Eagle Boosters, the annual PCHS Tulip Time stand and the Fall Fest concessions. Committees include: Board of Trustees, Finance, B&G, Education, Connections and Development.

For families without a high school student, a variety of options are available to partner with us and serve our schools including: concession stands work, Building & Grounds work, attending field trips to assist our teachers, executing classroom events, assisting with Tulip Time band needs, helping teachers with classroom needs, TRIP program assistance, PIE and Room Parent work, Board and Committee work and Early Education assistance.

Early Education families are invited to partner with us, but are not required to work hours.

Hours not worked will be assessed a $32/hour fee. Families with only a senior will be charged the fee in July and then reimbursed after hours are worked.

Thank you for serving our schools!

PC Schools are governed and operated by volunteer boards and committees. School board trustees are tasked with stewarding the long-term needs of the school, creating policy and working with the Head of Schools to ensure operations and decision-making are sustainable and in alignment with the school’s mission and vision. 

The school board also uses committees with non-board members to meet more immediate and specific needs of the school. These committees include Finance, Education, Building and Grounds, Promotions/Development, and other committees as deemed necessary by the board.  The committees seek out members of the society with specific skill sets to serve in these capacities. 

Service on boards and committees are a wonderful way for parents to use their God-given gifts and talents to grow the kingdom at Pella Christian.

If you are interested in serving on Pella Christian boards or committees, please contact Dan Zylstra, PC Head of Schools.

Have you considered joining PC Boosters but don’t exactly know what being a PC Booster involves?

Eagle Boosters is a parent-led group at PCHS that runs concessions at all home athletic events and Tulip Time. The profits are given back to the school each year to support additional student needs in academics, athletics, and fine arts.

Our mission is to provide financial support to PCHS for the betterment of its academic and extracurricular programs and to support and broaden its exposure to the greater Christian school community from whence it garners its students. This “boost” of financial support is for items above traditional budgeting. We do not support items traditionally defined as real estate, consumables, or items designated to an individual student. As part of our mission to support the continued success and growth in enrollment at PCHS, we are willing to support PCGS and its sister schools in unique ventures if it can be shown to further the positive image of PCHS in the community.

To continue this mission, we need continued parent support! Serving on Eagle Boosters does require more work than the 8 service hours asked of parents each year, but as you can see, it is a great benefit to PCHS.  We have one meeting per month on Wednesday evening for about an hour. You will serve with another parent as a team for a term of 3 years.

Your team will serve on 2 of the following committees to help stock concessions:  Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Track/Soccer, Tulip Time, Baseball/Softball. Your team (sometimes with another team) will also lead a group of parent volunteers to serve concessions at an average of 2 events per sports season, depending on the regular season schedule and possible post-season games.

You get a free meal when you lead concessions, you get a family season pass to all home regular season athletic events for the 3 years you serve, and you get to meet a lot of new people when working the concession stand.

Please contact a current Eagle Booster or the school office for more information.

Serve with us:

Please consider serving in the Eagle Boosters concession stands using the following signups:

Winter Sports Concessions:

Basketball Games: CLICK HERE TO SIGN-UP

Little Eagle is a 501c3 with a mission of creating financial support for Pella Christian Schools using the organization’s God-given gifts and do so without asking for out-of-pocket cash donations from the school societies.  Organized in December 2016, the Little Eagle Board consists of Pella Christian Grade School and High School society members with a variety of backgrounds including education, finance, real estate, construction, small business ownership, building maintenance, and technology.  

Little Eagles current projects consist of:

Spec Home Construction – Little Eagle builds one to three spec homes each year.   The purpose of these builds is two-fold.  First, the profits from the sale of each home are used to fund Little Eagle endeavors.  Secondly, PCHS students participate in a winterim class where they learn skills in the construction trade and make connections with local contractors.  

Farmland and Sweet Corn Sales – Little Eagle has also purchased eighteen acres of farmland and a small plot of land that was used to raise sweet corn in the summer of 2020.  Over 500 dozen bags of sweet corn were picked and sold.

Rental Properties – Little Eagle owns and maintains rental properties around Pella.  These rentals have been used for new teachers to PC and others.

Little Eagle continues to look for ways to invest in new ideas that will have a long term financial impact on Pella Christian Schools.  

Follow the progress of Little Eagle on their Facebook page at the following link: Little Eagle Facebook Page

Partners in Education (PIE) is Pella Christian Grade School’s parent-teacher organization.  Every parent whose child is enrolled at the school is automatically a member.  PIE’s purpose is threefold: Building community among parents, showing appreciation to staff, and raising funds to support teaching and learning at Pella Christian Grade School.  PIE meets four times each year and all parents are welcome to attend.  The meetings are held in the PCGS conference room and childcare is provided.  Check the school calendar for the next PIE meeting.