Pella Christian Grade School’s Partners in Education (PIE) presents the 4th annual Pie Auction Fundraiser.

Event Details

Join us Friday, February 21 at Sun Valley Barn in Pella. Dinner is catered by Country Catering/Julie Roose. Tickets are $25 per person and table sponsorships are available for businesses or individuals. Sponsorships are available (even if you can’t attend), contact Lindsay at 641-780-8822

What is it?

The PCGS PIE Auction Fundraiser is fun evening of food and fellowship that raises money to support PC needs. This year, funds raised will support a NEW playground at PCGS. Playground plans will be unveiled publicly at the PIE Fundraiser.

How does this work?

While a delicious dinner is served attendees can anonymously give a donation for the playground project. Table donations are tallied and the total amount is used to bid on over 40 pies and desserts for your table.

Purchase your tickets! or stop by the PCGS Office to purchase with cash or check