We thank God for His faithfulness in the growth of Pella Christian and through the hiring of the following individuals for the 24/25 school year. Here are our future teachers/staff members that we are celebrating! Welcome to Pella Christian Schools:
- Ms. Gabrielle Allread, PCHS Science and Math
- Mrs. Maacah Arns, PCGS Kindergarten
- Mr. Cameron Beach, PCHS Social Studies and Bible
- Ms. Mackenzie Biggs, PCGS K-4 Music
- Mrs. Bekah Grokow, PCHS Language Arts
- Mrs. Leah Hoffner, PCHS Art
- Ms. Ellen Hungerford, PCGS Middle School Science and Math
- Mr. Jordan Jaspering, PCGS Middle School P.E. & Assistant Athletic Director
- Mrs. Andrea Kacmarynski, PCGS Kindergarten
- Mrs. Mindi Kacmarynski, PCGS 3rd grade
- Mr. Steve Kaisand, PCHS Math
- Mr. Curt Kelderman, PCHS Facilities
- Mr. Scott Merrin, PC Band Director
- Dr. Cheyrl Newland, PCGS 5-7 Music, Band and Choir
- Ms. Kelly Noe, PCHS Study Skills
- Mr. Blake Recker, PCGS Middle School History
- Mrs. Lisa Ross, PCGS K-8 Art
- Mtro. Pablo Sanmiguel, PCGS Middle School Language Arts and Bible – Spanish Track
Please read a short bio of each new staff member below and join us in praising the Lord for bringing these individuals to Pella Christian! It is a joy to welcome them to the PC community and we look forward to sharing God’s story with them in 2024/2025.
Mrs. Melanie Meinders will be transitioning back into an elementary classroom for 2024-25 school year. She will be teaching the newly added fourth grade section.
We ask for your continued prayers throughout the ongoing hiring season. For a list of open positions, visit our website at: https://www.pceagles.org/about/employment/
Dan Zylstra
Pella Christian Head of Schools
Ms. Gabrielle Allread
PCHS Math and Science
We are pleased to announce Ms. Gabrielle Allread as Pella Christian High School’s new Math and Science teacher. She is currently teaching middle school Math and science at Denver Christian School in Denver, Colorado. Gabrielle shared, “I deeply believe that Pella is a place of “fertile soil” and that God is doing a beautiful work through the people He is growing in this place. I want to partner with Him in the work He is doing, as He leads and guides students and staff alike. I have had the privilege of teaching science and Bible the last few years and have grown passionate about all the ways we get to know more of our Creator, in his grandness and creativity, as we study His world. I desire to invite the students of Pella Christian into this greater posture of wholehearted learning, as I have witnessed it be so fruitful with my students thus far. While I have loved my time teaching middle schoolers, I am eager for the opportunity to come alongside high schoolers and get to teach more in depth content while also offering a safe space as a vessel of truth in their lives.” Ms. Allread is engaged to Ben Dirksen and will be getting married and moving to Pella this summer. Please join us in welcoming Ms. Allread to the Pella Christian community, her email address is allreadg@pceagles.org.

Mrs. Maacah Arns
PCGS Kindergarten
We are pleased to announce Mrs. Maacah Arns as Pella Christian Grade School’s kindergarten teacher. Maacah and husband Greysen moved to the Pella community recently after he got a job at Vermeer as a design engineer. She graduated from the University of Iowa in 2023, and is thrilled to be back in such a beautiful state. Maacah shared, “Becoming one of PCGS’s new kindergarten teachers is a dream come true, and I have yet to stop smiling about it. I truly believe there is something special about five- and six-year-olds who are curious about everything and who soak up all that is provided to them. At PCGS, I am excited to teach young students in the context of their faith as they develop their love of God and their desire to follow Him. My goal as one of the new kindergarten teachers is to have a positive impact on my students through education. I want to teach them to choose what is good, true, and beautiful while also teaching them how to be good citizens of the community, especially as it applies to the Kingdom of God. I have already seen the amazing community that surrounds PCGS, and I am excited to partner with others to help students develop their God-given gifts for a life of service for the King.” Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Arns to the Pella Christian community, her email address is arnsm@pceagles.org.

Mr. Cameron Beach
PCHS Social Studies and Bible
We are pleased to announce Mr. Cameron Beach as Pella Christian Schools high school history and Bible teacher. Mr. Beach shared “I like to lead by example and show students how to live their life as a strong Christian man or woman. I will show my students how to serve others by serving them. they will see me say thank you to the custodians, the lunch ladies, and anyone else on staff. I will make sure that they are loved and feel safe in my classroom and know that God loves and cares about them as well.” He will be graduating from Northwestern College in Orange City this May. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Beach to the Pella Christian community, his email address is beachc@pceagles.org.

Ms. Mackenzie Biggs
PCGS K-4 Music
We are pleased to announce Ms. Mackenzie Biggs as Pella Christian Grade School K-4 music teacher. Ms. Biggs shared “As a soon-to-be Central College Graduate, it is through through my experiences that I have determined what I value as an educator. For me, that is prioritizing a supportive and engaging learning environment that encourages students to be lifelong musicians. My deep commitment to education harmonizes effortlessly with the core values of PCGS. I am delighted to have the opportunity to incorporate Jesus into my teaching, as He is an integral part of my everyday life. I look forward to getting to know you all and the great students you have! Thank you for the warm welcome, I am enthusiastic about the upcoming school year at Pella Christian Grade School.” Please join us in welcoming Ms. Biggs to the Pella Christian community, her email address is biggsm@pceagles.org.

Mrs. Bekah Grokow
PCHS Language Arts
We are pleased to announce Mrs. Bekah Gorkow as Pella Christian Schools high school Language Arts teacher. Mrs. Gorkow shared, “It is important as a Christian to seek ways to allow God’s word and a relationship with Him to permeate every aspect of your life. In applying Pella Christian’s mission within my work, I envision infusing lessons with Biblical teachings, fostering connections between content and students’ personal lives. An example of this integration is seen in how I utilized Jesus’s language as examples of figurative language while working one-on-one with a Christian student. I anticipate using the commonalities from the Bible to reinforce concepts learned in the classroom. Additionally, I believe that relationships with students come first and constantly strive to make students feel heard and safe in my classroom. This commitment to cultivating a sense of safety aligns with Pella Christian’s mission to nurture students to serve.” Mrs. Gorkow is a 2022 graduate of Central College and is married to Patrick. They live in Pella. She is currently teaching at Lynnville-Sully High School. Bekah and Patrick enjoy being involved at First Church, spending time with nephews and niece, and being outside. Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Gorkow to the Pella Christian community, her email address is gorkowb@pceagles.org

Mrs. Leah Hoffner
We are pleased to announce Mrs. Leah Hoffner as Pella Christian Schools high school art teacher. Mrs. Hoffner and husband, Jake have three daughters ages 7,4 and 1. The family is excited to join the PC Eagles family and see where this new adventure takes them. Mrs. Hoffner shared, “I am looking forward to watching the students grow their talents, and serve the Lord with their creativity. I have decided to be a classroom teacher because Art and Creativity are my passion. I have discovered that I love to work in a creative field, through instructing classes at the Pella Community Center the last two years. So much art is a beautiful reflection of God’s creation. The beauty in God’s creation is depicted through the eyes of the artist, and then reflected upon through the eyes of the viewer.” Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Hoffner to the Pella Christian community, her email address is hoffnerl@pceagles.org.

Ms. Ellen Hungerford
PCGS Middle School Science and Math
We are pleased to announce Miss Ellen Hungerford as Pella Christian Grade School’s middle school math and science teacher. Ellen graduated from Iowa State University in the spring of 2023. She is currently teaching at West Marshall Elementary. Ellen will be moving to the Pella area after getting married to her fiancé this summer. Ellen shared, “I am so excited to be a part of Pella Christian Schools! I am very passionate about working with children and helping them grow and develop. I am thrilled to help them learn more about the Lord and live for Him. I will help them understand their role in God’s plan, help them develop their unique gifts and use them to glorify God! I am so excited to be a part of a community and school who values the same thing!.” Please join us in welcoming Ms. Hungerford to the Pella Christian community, her email address is hungerforde@pceagles.org.

Mr. Jordan Jaspering
PCGS Middle School PE and Assistant Athletic Director
We are pleased to announce Mr. Jordan Jaspering as Pella Christian Grade School middle school physical education teacher and assistant athletic director. Mr. Jaspering shared about Christian education, “I’m excited about sharing God’s truth through education. I look forward to the opportunity to impact others by helping them know and honor God and make an impact for His kingdom.” Mr. Jaspering, his wife Amber and 3 children feel blessed to be joining the Pella Christian family. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Jaspering to the Pella Christian community, his email address is jasperingj@pceagles.org.

Mrs. Andrea Kacmarynski
PCGS Kindergarten
We are pleased to announce Mrs. Andrea Kacmarynski as a Pella Christian Schools kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Kacmarynski shared, “David and I are thrilled to be moving back to the Pella area and serve in our beloved community! I am passionate about working with young hearts and minds for Jesus. It is my deep hope that all children will know their Savior personally and intimately through the careful study of His word, His creation, and through the work of the Holy Spirit. Each child has been given unique and extraordinary gifts from God and I am excited about the opportunity to help grow their gifts so that they may use those gifts to impact the world for Christ.” Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Kacmarynski to the Pella Christian community, her email address is kacmarynskia@pceagles.org.

Mrs. Mindi Kacmarynski
PCGS 3rd Grade
We are pleased to announce Mrs. Mindi Kacmarynski as a 3rd grade teacher in an additional third grade classroom. She shares, “After working with education majors for the past eleven years at Central College, I am excited to return to the classroom. I am passionate about helping students grow spiritually and academically. As a family, we are committed to helping students develop their gifts for a life of service in God’s kingdom. All five of our children have either graduated or are currently attending Pella Christian Schools. My husband, Coach Kac, is the high school football coach. My husband and I are the middle school track coaches and I am the middle school softball coach. We love God’s children and I am excited to work with 3rd graders and their families.” Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Kacmarynski to the Pella Christian community, her email address is kacmarynskim@pceagles.org.

Mr. Steve Kaisand
We are pleased to announce Mr. Steve Kaisand as Pella Christian School’s high school math teacher. Steve graduated form Dordt College and received his master’s in teaching degree from Morningside. He is currently an instructional coah at Oskaloosa Community Schools. Steve shared, “What excites me most about Christian education is the opportunity to have authentic Biblical discussion with others. For students, I appreciate the knowledge they gather about Jesus, the Bible, and religions. I also value the ability to strengthen relationships with God through chapel, devotions, prayer, and conversations throughout the week.” Please join us in welcoming Mr. Kaisand to the Pella Christian community, his email address is kaisands@pceagles.org.

Mr. Curt Kelderman
PCHS Facilities
We are pleased to announce Mr. Curt Kelderman as our Head of Maintenance/Custodian at the High School. He has worked as an electrician in Pella for the last 26 years and has extensive maintenance experience. He’s a member at Faith CRC in Pella and he and his wife Carrie have 2 children, Greta and Grant. All four of them have all attended Pella Christian. Curt stated, “I have been a part of Pella Christian for my whole life. I’m looking forward to serving the school and helping it to fulfill its mission.” Please join us in welcoming Curt to the Pella Christian community, his email address is keldermanc@pceagles.org.

Mr. Scott Merrin
PC Band Director
We are pleased to announce Mr. Scott Merrin as Pella Christian Schools new band director. Mr. Merrin shared, “Music is an excellent avenue in guiding and challenging students to see that their musical and artistic gifts are given to them by God, and that all of us as Christians are called to use our gifts and talents to bring glory, honor and praise to God as our sacrificial act of worship. My desire would be to facilitate the recognition and realization of these principles on a daily basis.” Mr. Merrin and his family are looking forward to moving to the midwest from Winchester, California. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Merrin to the Pella Christian community, his email address is merrins@pceagles.org.

Dr. Cheyrl Newland
5-7 Music, Band and Choir
We are pleased to announce Dr. Cheyrl Newland as Pella Christian Schools fifth grade music and band instructor. Dr. Newland will also be serving as sixth and seventh band and choir instructor. She has four children and ten grandchildren, so far, who all live in Missouri. Dr. Newland shared, “I am excited for the opportunity to teach at Pella Christian! I am looking forward to inspiring students to reach their full potential of God’s gifts of music in their lives, as well as working collaboratively with colleagues and staff for the benefit of students and families. I appreciate this opportunity!.” Dr. Newland, in her career has taught music in five schools in Missouri and Iowa, as well as future teachers at Iowa Wesleyan University before it closed. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Newland to the Pella Christian community, her email address is newlandc@pceagles.org.

Ms. Kelly Noe
PCHS Study Skills
We are pleased to announce Ms. Kelly Noe as a Pella Christian Schools High School Study Skills teacher. Previously she was a Secondary Special Education/Study Skills Teacher-Knoxville High School and
Knoxville Middle School. Ms. Noe shared, “I envision applying Pella Christian High School’s mission by ensuring that every aspect of my work is guided by the goal of nurturing students to serve in God’s world. This means integrating faith into all teaching and learning activities, fostering an environment where students can grow academically, spiritually, and
personally. I will strive to create lessons that not only impart knowledge but also instill values of compassion, integrity, and service. Through meaningful interactions with students, collaboration with colleagues, and engagement with the broader community, I aim to empower students to live out their faith and make a positive impact in the world around them.” Please join us in welcoming Ms. Noe to the Pella Christian community, her email address is noek@pceagles.org.

Mr. Blake Recker
PCGS Middle School History
We are pleased to announce Mr. Blake Recker as Pella Christian Grade School middle school History teacher. Mr. Recker shared, “Each student has been gifted by God. I believe that it is my job as a teacher to help students realize their gifts and potential. They are the ones who can meet this potential, but I have an opportunity to help them realize it. In my classroom, academics will be very important, but not the only focus. I want to create a culture of growth and leadership. I want to raise up leaders. In my life, it was my middle school social studies teacher who helped me realize my potential and my relationship with Christ, and it truly changed my life.” He will graduate in May from Central College. Blake and his wife, live in Pella. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Recker to the Pella Christian community, his email address is reckerb@pceagles.org.

Mrs. Lisa Ross
PCGS K-8 Art
We are pleased to announce Mrs. Lisa Ross as a Pella Christian Schools K-8 Art teacher. Previously she taught elementary art for twelve years at Miss May Vernon Elementary. Mrs. Ross shared, “I am extremely excited to start this new adventure in my life, here at Pella Christian. I love creating artwork with the students as well as teaching them the tools to create all on their own and see where they take their talents. I am looking forward to being part of such a well established and well grounded campus and staff. I have already felt so welcomed here at Pella Christian. I love working and collaborating with others and cannot wait to see what is in store for us all next year! Outside of the classroom I have been a Wish Granter for North Texas Make-a-Wish Foundation since 2010 and plan to continue to serve in the Pella area wherever I can. My husband and I, along with our 6 year son – Liam, love the community aspect of Pella and cannot wait to get into town to meet all you amazing people. Have a blessed day!” Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Ross to the Pella Christian community, her email address is rossl@pceagles.org.

Mtro. Pablo Sanmiguel
PCGS Middle School Language Arts and Bible – Spanish track
We are pleased to announce Mtro. Pablo Sanmiguel as Pella Christian Grade School middle school Language Arts and History teacher in the Spanish Immersion track. Mtro. Sanmiguel shared, “I’m Pablo Sanmiguel, I am husband to Alexandra and dad of 2 boys Mateo and Esteban. They are the best part of my life. I have been teaching the last 12 years and I have seen the power of a teacher in students’s lives and society, teachers have the opportunity to speak life and truth to the hearts and minds of young people while encouraging them to find their purpose in God. I enjoy meditating on the Bible and I am always amazed by the great God we have. What excited me the most about Pella Christian school is being able to instruct / teach academically and spiritually because I see the need of raising a new generation of people who fear the Lord and expand His Kingdom in all areas of society.” Please join us in welcoming Mtro. Sanmiguel to the Pella Christian community, his email address is sanmiguelp@pceagles.org.