Called to a Life of Service

PCHS Christian Service Hours

In response to Christ’s freely given gift of salvation, Christians are called to live a life of service.  At PCHS we recognize that many students are already pursuing service opportunities through various church and community organizations, but we desire for all students to develop and experience the joy of serving others.  An individual service hour requirement allows students to take ownership and explore service opportunities that meet their personal gifts and interests.  Our deep hope is that all PCHS graduates will make Kingdom Service a lifetime habit.

Graduation Honors

Beginning with the class of 2026, students that accumulate at least 150 service hours will receive graduation honors for their service. These 150 hours must include 50 service hours to PCHS (or any supporting sister school), 50 service hours to their church (or any supporting church), and 50 service hours outside of the previous categories before graduation.


  • Students are required to complete a minimum of 10 hours of service per year (class of 2023, 2024, and 2025).
  • Students are required to complete a minimum of 60 hours of service within their 4 years (class of 2026 and beyond).
  • Students will complete the required service hour form to document their service hour experience.
  • Students will turn in their completed service hour form to their homeroom teacher.
  • Homeroom teachers will track service hours for each student throughout the service hour year.  The service hour year begins on the first day of summer vacation and runs through Tulip Time the following May.
  • The Registrar will indicate service hour completion on student transcripts at the end of the school year.

Service Hour Forms

Examples of Acceptable Service Hour Options

  • School
    • Peer tutoring (on a consistent basis)
    • Team manager
    • Lunch serving (on a consistent basis)
    • Assisting with summer camps
  • Community
    • Coaching youth teams
    • Assisting with non-PCHS theatre productions
    • Fundraisers that support nonprofit organizations
    • Various Tulip Time booths
    • Camp counselors (volunteer)
    • Yard work (for a nonrelative who isn’t able to do yard work themselves)
    • Non-profit organizations
    • Nursing Home
    • Hospital
    • C.O.C
    • Habitat for Humanity
    • The Well
    • Food Pantry
  • Church
    • Vacation Bible School
    • Youth group initiated volunteer opportunities
    • Rehearsals for a worship/praise team
    • Running a sound, video, or projection system outside of a worship service.
    • Nursery that is not during a worship service

Examples: Unacceptable Service Hour Options

  • Blood drives at PCHS
  • Travel, leisure, or sleeping time during a mission trip
  • Time spent in which a student could be paid, but choose not to be paid
  • Activities in which the student receives a tangible benefit
  • Time spent that benefits the profit of a for-profit company
  • Time in which students should already be at church (for example, nursery during a church service)

Additional Information

  • Students should contact their homeroom teacher if they have questions about whether an opportunity may count for service hours.
  • Students are encouraged to turn in all service hours completed, even if their total exceeds the required number of hours.  Recognition may be given to students with outstanding records of service throughout their high school career.
  • For the class of 2023, 2024, and 2025, service hours accumulated in one year cannot be credited to a previous or upcoming school year.